رواية ارض الله

by bilal aljalamneh

Books & Reference


She talks about her hero (Omar bin Sayed), who was born in (Fouta Tour), what is known today as (Senegal) in West Africa in the year 1770 AD, and grew up there, until the year 1807 AD, when an army comes to occupy his country, and takes him as a slave to (Charleston) in the south of North America. Omar grew up educated, he memorized the Qur’an, knew Arabic, was knowledgeable of religions, was well off, got married before he was enslaved, and left his wife pregnant... He did not know after the passage of the years of slavery whether she had been enslaved with him in the same campaign or in other subsequent campaigns of the slave traders, or that she had escaped from slavery, and he did not know whether she had given birth to their only son or not... but despite that, he remained clinging to the hope that he would be freed from his slavery and meet them... but his hopes were not fulfilled, and he died as a slave in 1863 AD after you were over ninety years old; One year before US President Abraham Lincoln endorsed the abolition of slavery...A manuscript he wrote on parchments was found, in which he recounts his biography of his life before his death. These parchments are real and are kept by the US Library of Congress, and it was released to the public a short while ago.It is the story of a Muslim scholar who lives in slavery for nearly sixty years, during which he is exposed to countless forms of injustice, humiliation, torture and pain... It reveals the ugly face of racism and slavery.